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Call for applications to the Swedish National ATMP Research School

Portrait Johan Flygare. Photo.
Johan Flygare, Coordinator of the National Swedish ATMP Research School. Photo: Agata Garpenlind.

Johan Flygare, Coordinator of the Swedish National ATMP Research School talks about ATMP, about the school and explains why you should apply. Deadline: 15 February.

–  ATMP is personally very important to me. Since I started as Deputy Coordinator of the Stem Cell Center, a specific task I have focused on is to make sure our research findings have the best possible chances to reach patients. A part of this has been to create awareness around ATMPs and make sure LU takes a lead in educating in the area. 

The National ATMP Research School is a new national Swedish university collab, and a much needed initiative, according to Johan Flygare, Director:
– ATMP-Sweden´s goal is to promote the collaboration and communication needed for accelerated, effective ATMP based patient solutions in Sweden. I believe the research school is essential for achieving the goals of ATMP Sweden and it will do so in several ways. 

Collaboration. There is often a lot of talk about collaboration, and not always that much action. It is however already evident that a project like this fosters or some may say forces active collaboration between all higher education institutions around ATMP. So already that is a success. 

Filling the knowledge gap: There is an acute demand for scientists with ATMP-related training. The school has created six new ATMP-courses that will be offered. A clear long-term goal of the school is also to improve ATMP education in health care-related education by educating future teachers in the Swedish health care sector. This is expected to enhance the quality of medical educations in Sweden. The projects’ potential “Contribution to quality health care education in Sweden related to ATMP” is therefore one of the assessment criteria for the application for co-funded projects.

More Swedish ATMP inventions to patients: The program will support projects with high scientific potential, and make sure the students driving these projects are trained to be prepared to take inventions from the projects to patients. 

Your vision for the school?
– Our vision is to enable patient access to ATMPs in Sweden by fostering the highest level of expertise among healthcare, academic, industry, regulatory, and legal professionals.

The school in an international perspective?
– The national ATMP research school was awarded SEK 46 million from the Swedish Research Council, starting Jan 2023. During the first year have developed six new courses that will be offered to students. The National ATMP Research School is a relatively unique initiative and I am not aware of similar programs elsewhere. 

Who is the school aimed at?
– The applications that are open now are aimed at PhD supervisors who can apply for 1.5 M SEK co-funding for a student in the school.  We are aiming for diversity when it comes to geographic distribution, research subjects, supervisors and of course students.

Right now, until February 15, there is an open call for applications to join the school. Why should one apply?
– For supervisors: they will get help to train their students to make the most of their PhD studies, and in addition financial support. 
For students: They will receive elite doctoral education in highly selected PhD projects, establish fantastic networks and can look forward to rewarding post-doctoral careers.

What is ATMP?

ATMP (Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products ) is a term used by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for medicines that are based on genes, tissues or cells. ATMPs represent a new frontier in the field of medicine that offer groundbreaking new therapeutic opportunities for diseases and injuries that are currently difficult or impossible to cure.

A few ATMPs are already in the clinic, and in a few years a large part of drug sales will be ATMPs. I think it is similar to when the first recombinant protein drugs reached patients in the 1980s, it was a small revolution. 

This however comes with a big challenge, there are too few laboratory and health care professionals in Sweden trained to develop and administer these new drugs. 

Johan Flygare

Title: University lecturer
Professional background: MD, PhD, Postdoc at the Whitehead Institute, MIT, Coordinator of the National ATMP Research School, Deputy Director of Lund Stem Cell Center
Research area/group: Hematopoiesis, Drug development and Gene therapy.
Johan Flygare´s profile in the Research Portal