Contact us regarding your PhD studies
The PhD Studies Office
The PhD Studies Office handles the administrative part of the PhD education. We administer admissions, courses, dissertations, travel grants, study financing and are also responsible for information on the website, referrals and other overall issues relating to doctoral education.
If you have any questions, please contact the office. The easiest way to reach us is by e-mail.
Emma Idman
Head of Research Administration
emma [dot] idman [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se
+46 46 222 72 18
Overall administrative responsibility for the faculty's PhD education.
Anette Saltin
Research Education Coordinator
anette [dot] saltin [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (anette[dot]saltin[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
+46 46 222 49 26
Admission to doctoral studies, individual study plan, travel grant for doctoral students, study funding, dissertations.
David Paulsson
david [dot] paulsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (david[dot]paulsson[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
+46 222 72 38
Secretary of the Research Studies Board and quality assurance coordinator.
Madeleine Nyström
Research Education Coordinator
phdcourses [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (phdcourses[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
Handles the Research School in Medical Science, elective courses and the halfway review.
Maria Sjöström
International coordinator
maria [dot] sjostrom [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (maria[dot]sjostrom[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
+46 46 222 14 98
Coordinator for international issues related to the PhD programme.
Jan Lexell
Study coordinator for PhD Studies
jan [dot] lexell [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se
+46 46 222 19 91
Assignment as study coordinator with responsibility for coordinating the Research School in Medical Science and courses at doctoral level and leading the working group for quality assurance.
The Research Studies Board (Forskarutbildningsnämnden, FUN)
The Research Studies Board (Forskarutbildningsnämnden, FUN) works on delegation from the Faculty Board and handles matters concerning the faculty's doctoral education. The Research Studies Board decides, among other things, on admissions and dissertations, as well as allocates travel grants and study financing.
Karin Jirström
Professor, vice-dean
Chairman of the Research Studies Board
karin [dot] jirstrom [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (karin[dot]jirstrom[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
+46 46 222 08 29, +46 727 22 14 15
Evaluation panel for doctoral courses
Jan Lexell, study coordinator (convening member)
Karin Leandersson, professor
Tyra Bremborg, PhD student representative
Madeleine Nyström, Research Education Coordinator
The Faculty of Medicine’s International Council
Anja Meissner, senior lecturer
Anette Agardh, professor
Predrag Bakic, docent
Göran Jönsson, professor
Rafsan Ahmed, PhD student representative
Review group for dissertation material
Karin Leandersson, professor (convening member)
Jan Lexell, professor
Tyra Bremborg, PhD student representative
Anette Saltin, Research Education Coordinator (questions should be sent to anette [dot] saltin [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (anette[dot]saltin[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se))
The departments' PhD education organisation
Each department has an Assistant Head of Department for PhD studies. The Assistant Head of Department works on delegation from the head of department and is an institutional resource that will safeguard the interests of doctoral students and facilitate the supervisors' and department management's handling of PhD education issues.
Department of Experimental Medical Science
Olga Göransson
Assistant Head of Department
+46 46 222 95 52
Olga [dot] Goransson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Olga[dot]Goransson[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
Jens Nilsson
+46 46 222 77 88
jens [dot] nilsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (jens[dot]nilsson[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
Department of Health Sciences
Eva Ekvall Hansson
Assistant Head of Department
Stina Elfverson
+46 46 222 19 42
stina [dot] elfverson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (stina[dot]elfverson[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund
Stefan Hansson
Assistant Head of Department
+46 46 222 30 11
Stefan [dot] Hansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Stefan[dot]Hansson[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
Helén Åkesson
+46 46 222 89 62
phd [dot] ikvl [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (phd[dot]ikvl[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
Department of Clinical Sciences, Malmö
Anette Agardh
Assistant Head of Department
+46 40 39 13 38
Anette [dot] Agardh [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anette[dot]Agardh[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
Kerstin Troein
+46 40 39 14 00
Kerstin [dot] Troein [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Kerstin[dot]Troein[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
Department of Laboratory Medicine
Marcus Järås
Assistant Head of Department
+46 723 87 36 03
Marcus [dot] Jaras [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Marcus[dot]Jaras[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
Sebastian Goksör
+46 46 222 15 16
sebastian [dot] goksor [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (sebastian[dot]goksor[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
Department of Translational Medicine
Christopher Rääf
Assistant Head of Department
Diana Vaduva
+46 40 39 10 67
diana [dot] vaduva [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (diana[dot]vaduva[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)