Creating a scientific poster - templates, help and workshops
On this page you will find all the information you need about our poster templates, as well as some helpful tips on how to avoid common poster pitfalls. We also offer support sessions and poster workshops, which you can book or register for using the links provided.
Useful tips before you start designing
- Tailor your content to your audience and context.
- Modify your text and images before you start designing - avoid copying and pasting text or images directly from your manuscript or report.
- Limit and reduce the amount of text! Keep only the most important information.
- Save your images as pdf files and view them at 100% to make sure your figures are legible and your photos are sharp and of high enough quality for printing.
Make your poster readable – guidelines for headings and paragraphs
- A short title makes it easier for your audience to quickly understand your message.
- To be readable from a distance, the title should be about 100 points in size.
- Body text should be about 36 points (equivalent to 1 cm high).
- Short, concise text, preferably in bullet points, is easier to read from a distance than long, wide paragraphs.
- Avoid long paragraphs; use a maximum of 40-50 characters per line (including spaces) and no more than 6 lines per paragraph
Poster support and poster templates
You can ask a question or book a one-to-one session by contacting the Library's Research Support Team using the Library´s contact form.
To help you make your poster, you can use Lund University's poster templates. You can download these templates from the Lund University Image and Media Bank.
- There are certain things you must include in scientific posters with Lund University as the affiliation. These include a 15 mm white margin and the Lund University logo, which you must place according to the template. The title must be in bronze colour with a bronze line underneath (Keep the formatting of the title as it appears in the template.).
- The template has a coloured background based on Lund University's profile colours. You can also change the background colour to any of Lund University's other profile colours or to white.
Log in and download poster templates (Lund University's Image and Media Bank)
Which fonts should you use for scientific posters?
Lund University prefers Adobe Garamond Pro and Frutiger LT Std, but these are not mandatory.
Alternatively, you can use Times New Roman for titles and headings and Arial for body text.
Download fonts at Lund University´s Image and Media Bank (Login with your Lucat ID).
MediaTryck is the university's in-house printing and design service. They can print your poster within 24 hours, but you need to send it to them as a PDF file.
Poster printing on the MediaTryck's website
Contact and Support
Library Research Support Team
- Book a one-to-one consultation
- Get feedback on your poster design
Contact us using the library´s contact form