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Back to Ukraine with a backpack full of new Swedish research experiences

Four people in front of building. Photo.
Elisabeth Englund, Khrystyna Borteichuk, Marko Shyika and Åsa Tornberg took part in the Summer school for researchers at the Faculty. Foto: Agata Garpenlind.

Ten Ukrainian medical students, ten supervisors from the Faculty, for ten weeks. We have checked in with two of the couples. The Summer School, a pilot project, has been a good experience for supervisors and trainees, who have now gone back to Ukraine to finish their studies.

Elisabeth Englund och Khrystyna Borteichuk

Khrystyna: “Everything was so great that I have lost track of time, feels like only yesterday I was meeting team members , started discovering everything and now I need to pack my things up. A thousands of compliments to my supervisor, colleagues and all those who have made me feel so great here and always were patient to explain everything.

I have confirmed that there is nothing impossible and whatever difficult challenges I may have, if there is a great team that can back you up –  success guaranteed. I feel proud that I have been part of this programme and that each and every expectation was fulfilled. It’s sad to leave, but I know there is more waiting for me in the nearest future. Now I will continue pursuing my dreams and will continue studying to become a doctor.

I really hope to come back to Lund! But also, I would like to see my new friends coming to Ukraine after the war is over, so I can greet and share our culture in the same way as I was greatly welcomed here.”

Elisabeth: "It was a good initiative. I think it went surprisingly well considering that I wasn't there when my student arrived! I have wonderful employees who took care of her in the beginning.

My student got to study (under a microscope) a small newly discovered change in the brain –  brain raspberries. It has given my student an insight into a whole new world and a whole new way of thinking. She is probably very satisfied, even though she was not at all fond of the project at the beginning!

It has given me contact with a young person I would never otherwise have met. But you have to be willing to sacrifice your time, because it takes time. I think we'll keep in touch, we've become a bit attached to each other now.”

Marko Shyika och Åsa Tornberg

Marko: “My summer has been an absolutely delightful experience. My key insight from this experience is the significance of having an open mind in research pursuits. That is paramount.Going home I'm feeling content and accomplished with what I've achieved during the summer and now I will continue my studies in Ukraine. I'm currently in my sixth year of medical school.

I have the intention of returning to Lund, particularly in the capacity of a dedicated researcher or a physician. And if I do, it would be motivated by the research opportunities and innovation that stem from Lund."

Åsa: "The Summer Research School with the Ukrainian students has been a very nice initiative. It is rewarding to supervise students and follow them in their process as they learn about new things.

I supervised two students who collected data together. They have measured physical activity using accelerometers placed in two different places on the subjects, partly on the wrist and on the hip. The accelerometer on the wrist was used to analyze sleep patterns.

I have had help in collecting data that we can use when we evaluate and adjust our methods when we measure with accelerometry and that I have had input on the research I am doing, from a young person who is a novice in the field. It is always rewarding. I think my mentees have gained a greater understanding of research processes within clinical research with the various steps and what you need to approach. I think the process of how to present your research has also been rewarding for them.

I would highly recommend supervising students within the summer research school. Both Swedish and foreign students. I hope that the students will take with them the experience they have gained this summer and that it will be useful in their future."

Read the article on the students´arrival at Medfak