The meeting began with the dean informing about resources and prizes given to our cancer research, the appointment dialogues and the price tag on medicine, i.e. what we are paid to conduct education in medicine. Vice dean Thomas Hellmark then informed about the finances and quality work in undergraduate education. Deputy dean Jonas Larsson informed about a proposal for a new organisation for our major research infrastructures. He also informed about the research bill and what it means for the faculty.
Decisions at the meeting concerned the Faculty of Medicine's strategic direction 2025-2030, the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine's Research Council, the establishment of a working group for the preparation of nominations for honorary doctorates and the appointment of members to the Doctoral Education Board (FUN) 2025-2027. In addition, decisions were made on a request to advertise a position as a senior lecturer in general medicine combined with a position as a district physician (IKVM), a request to advertise a position as a senior lecturer in internal medicine combined with a position as a specialist physician/senior physician (IKVM), and a request to advertise a position as professor of anaesthesiology and intensive care combined with a position as a specialist physician/senior physician (IKVL).