The meeting began with the Dean informing about the work of the Dean's Management Council, the need for increased funding for education and the Faculty's Christmas celebrations. Vice Dean David Gisselsson Nord then spoke about the work on continuity planning and war organisation for medical and nursing students based on his study trip to Ukraine.
Decisions at the meeting concerned the implementation of structural changes in the Faculty of Medicine's animal activities, changed procedures for nominating the head of department and deputy head of department for a new term of office, and ALF funds for 2025. Further decisions concerned the renewal of the term of office for members of the Docentship Board 2025-2027, updated guidance for applications for unpaid docentship at the Faculty of Medicine, appointment of members of the Undergraduate Education Board (GUN) and the Doctoral Education Board (FUN) and a new member of the Research Infrastructure Board at the Faculty of Medicine. In addition, decisions were made regarding the Deputy Coordinator for the Lund University Cancer Center (LUCC) and a change of guidelines and appointment of a new Board for LUCC, as well as employment matters concerning three adjunct professors and the appointment of members and deputies of the Medical Appointments Board (LFN).